Why do we organize Cyrkulacje Contest?

The Cyrkulacje Contest came into existence in order to support the contemporary circus community: with the use of financial awards on one hand, but mostly through enabling the exchange among the artists and through the creation of a meeting platform for the artists and festivals organizers.

An important element of the festival is the post-competition meeting of the finalists with the jury members. Finalists can ask for feedback in direct conversation and hear invaluable opinions and advice from specialists.

Finalists also receive professional photo and video materials that they can use in their further careers.

Who can participate in the contest?

The rules state that the participants of the contest could be contemporary circus artists, who are coming from/are based in the following countries: Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, Finland, Belarus, Czech Republic, Hungary, Ukraine, Slovakia. This means that for example, even if one is not a Polish citizen but lives permanently in Poland – hence co-creating the Polish contemporary circus scene – he/she can participate in the contest (it applies to all above-mentioned countries)

Are there any age restrictions for the participants?

You need to be at least 16. Underage participants must have permission to participate in the contest from their parents or legal guardian.

Can I send any film showing my skills for the preliminaries?

No. It should be a film showing a specific presentation for the contest with all of its elements. It cannot be also a trailer composed of a series of intakes, but a full record, without cuts. Make sure the link is valid and the video is not private.

It does not necessarily have to be a record of performance in front of an audience – it can also be a film recorded in the training room, on the condition that costumes and music will be the same as those presented on stage. Thus, it is worth taking care of sufficient lighting and a contrasting background

Can I send more than one entry form?


Is it possible to apply for the contest again, even If I have already taken part in the finals of the Cyrkulacje Contest?

Yes, but only If it is a completely different, new act.

Why can’t the act be longer than 8 minutes?

The time of contest performance was restricted to 8 minutes because an étude is a short form – it is possible to show your idea and skills in a timeframe equal to each participant. Lack of time restriction or longer performances would be troublesome not purely for logistic reasons, but also for the fact that they would make a uniform assessment impossible.

What are the parameters of the stage where the final will be held?

The final of the contest will take place in The Centre for the Meeting of Cultures in Lublin. Parameters of the stage:

Main stage area – 490 m2

Stage width – 23,5 m

Depth – 28,5

Height from stage level to battens park position – 24m

Stage window – width 15,3 m, height 7,8 m

Which acts have the biggest chances to qualify for the final stage of the Contest?

There are no more or less “doomed to succeed” fields – both acrobatics and juggling have the same chances to win :). However, the contest jury will certainly pay attention to acts, which are expected to bring a new, fresh perspective on circus art. We are eager to see the results of your research, which will not be an easy duplication of “circus standards”.

Who will sit on the contest jury?

The specialists in contemporary circus and theatre field from Poland and Europe will sit in the contest jury. Until now, the jury has been composed of i.a. Urs Jaeckle, Tobias Fiedler, Katarina Pokorna, Cox Ahlers, Samuel Roy, Karolina Rozwód, Matthias Romir, Sandra Wawer, Jenny Patschowsky

The contest holder, namely the Sztukmistrze Foundation, has no influence on the verdict.

What are the jury’s assessment criteria for the performances?

The performance’s assessment is a result of various criteria. The jury takes into consideration the technical quality of a performance, its innovation, artistic concept, costume, music and, of course, the scene appearance and contact with the audience.

When will the finalists be known?

The last day to send applications is the 30th of June 2024. We’ll contact the finalists by the end of July/beginning of August.

What is the schedule of this year’s final of the Cyrkulacje Contest?

The arrival of the finalists: 22. September 2024

Rehearsals: 23. – 29. September 2024

Final performances: 27. – 29. September 2024

The departure of the finalists: 30. September 2024

Do the artists receive any remuneration for their performance?

The Cyrkulacje is a competition – that is why all the artists performing in the finals do not receive any payments. They have, however, a chance to win a prize. Also, representatives of the circus industry, festivals organizers and bookers, who often provide jobs to our finalists, are invited to watch the shows.

Our artists are provided with accommodation and a full board.

Are the finalists of the contest guaranteed accommodation and meals during the week of rehearsals?

Finalists are provided with accommodation (in shared bedrooms) and 3 meals a day. They also receive partial compensation for the travel costs. Other costs are not covered.


Do you have any questions concerning the contest?

Write to us via cyrkulacje@sztukmistrze.pl

Finalists 2023
